David Machin

文章来源:语言研究院 作者: 发布时间:2024-11-06 浏览次数:12


  • Machin, D. and Mayr, A. (2023) How to do Critical Discourse Analysis: A Multimodal introduction, London, Sage

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D. (2020) Introduction to Multimodal Analysis (2nd ed) London, Bloomsbury

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D. (2018) Doing Visual Analysis, London, Sage

  • Hansen, A. and Machin, D. (2018) Media and Communication Research Methods, London, Palgrave.

  • Machin, D. and Polzer, L. (2015) Visual Journalism, London, Palgrave

  • Hansen, A. and Machin,D. (2014) eds. Visual Environmental Communication, London, Routledge

  • Machin, D. (2014) ed. Visual Communication, Berlin, De Gruyter

  • Abousnnouga, G. and Machin, D. (2013) The Language of War Monuments, London, Bloomsbury.

  • Richardson,  J. Krzyzanowski, M. Machin, D. and Wodak, R. (2013) (eds.)  Advances in  Critical Discourse Studies, London, Routledge

  • Mayr, A. and Machin, D. (2012) Language of Crime and Deviance, London, Continuum

  • Machin, D. (2010) Analysing popular Music, London, Sage

  • Machin,D. and Van Leeuwen, D. (2007) Global Media Discourse, London, Routledge.

  • Machin, D. and Niblick, S. (2006) News Production: theory and practice

  • Machin, D. (2002) Ethnographic Research for Media Studies. London: Arnold.

  • Tunstall, J. and Machin, D. (1999) The Anglo-American Media Connection, Oxford, Oxford University Press

Journals and book chapters by year(按年的期刊和书籍章节

Journal Articles


  • Elmadagli,  C. and Machin, D. (2022) The gains and losses of identity politics: the  case of a social media social justice movement called stylelikeU,  Critical Discourse Studies

  • Breazu,.P and Machin, D.  (2022) Using Humor to Disguise Racism in Television News: The Case of  the Roma, Journal of Humour Research, forthcoming.

  • Breazu,.P  and Machin, D. (2022) Racism is not just hate-speech: Ethno-nationalist  victimhood in YouTube comments about the Roma during Covid-19, Language  in Society,

  • Machin, D. and Chen, A. (2022). Designing  food packaging to present healthy and ethical diets to the new Chinese  middle class.  Food, Culture and Society.  Forthcoming


  • Petre  Breazu and David Machin (2021) ‘It’s still them’: concealed racism  against Roma in Romanian television news, Social Identities,DOI:  10.1080/13504630.2021.1976134

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D.  (2021). Why digital administrative systems create extra work and  demoralize us: A study of performativity and decontextualization caused  by Unikum in Swedish preschools. Discourse, Context & Media, 40,  Article ID 100469.

  • Bouvier G. and Machin D. (2021) What  gets lost in Twitter ‘cancel culture’ hashtags? Calling out racists  reveals some limitations of social justice campaigns. Discourse &  Society. 32(3):307-327

  • Machin, D. and Chen, A. (2021).  The multimodal dimension of translation: marketing healthy food in  China. In Mialet, E. (ed). Handbook of Translation and Media. London:  Routledge. Chapter 10.

  • Chen, A. and Machin, D. (2021).  Semiotics in sociology and politics: construction of gender and health  on food packaging. In Pelkey, J. (ed). Semiotic Movements: Vol. 3  Semiotic movements in human and social science. Toronto: Bloomsbury.  Chapter 5.


  • Machin,  D. and Cobley, P. (2020). Ethical food packaging and designed  encounters with distant and exotic others. Semiotica 232. 251-271

  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D. (2020) The misleading nature of flow charts and  diagrams in organizational communication: The case of performance  management of preschools in Sweden, Semiotica (236-237):405-425

  • Eriksson,  G. and Machin, D.. (2020). Discourses of ‘Good Food’: the  commercialization of Healthy and ethical eating. Discourse, Context  & Media 33,

  • De Cotal Martin, V and Machin, D. (2020)  The legitimization of the use of sweat shops by H&M in the Swedish  press, Journal of Language and Politics, 20 (2),254 - 276

  • Breazu  P, Machin D. (2020) How television news disguises its racist  representations: The case of Romanian Antena 1 reporting on the Roma.  Ethnicities. 2020;20(5):823-843.

  • Chen, A. and Machin, D.  (2020). How Magazines Carry Western Consumer Values around the World:  The Case of Chinese Women’s Lifestyle Magazine Rayli and Its  Representation of Healthy Diets. Sternadori, M and Holmes, T. (Eds) The  Handbook of Magazine Studies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Chapter 19.

  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D. (2020). Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis: How  to Reveal Discourses of Health and Ethics in Food Packaging, in Pauwels,  L. and Mannay, D. The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods. London  Sage pp, 500-513.


  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D. (2019). Replacing actual political activism with  ethical shopping: The case of Oatly. Discourse, Context & Media, 34,

  • Ledin,  P. & Machin, D. (2019). Att radda planeten genom konsumtionsval:  Oatlys antagonistiska och lekfulla marknadskommunikation. Sprok och stil  (29), 99-133

  • Breazu P, Machin D. (2019) Racism toward  the Roma through the affordances of Facebook: bonding, laughter and  spite. Discourse & Society. 30(4):376-394.


  • Bouvier,  G & Machin, D. (2018) Critical Discourse Analysis and the  challenges and opportunities of social media. Review of Communication  18(3):178-192

  • Breazu, P. and Machin, D. (2018). A  critical multimodal analysis of the Romanian press coverage of camp  evictions and deportations of the Roma migrants from France. Discourse  & Communication, 12(4), 1-18

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D.  (2018) Doing critical discourse studies with multimodality: from  metafunctions to materiality, Critical Discourse Studies.

  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D (2018) IKEA kitchens and the rise of a neoliberal  control of domestic space. Visual Communication. Online First

  • Ledin,  P. & Machin, D. (2018). The neoliberal definition of elite space in  IKEA kitchens. In: Thurlow, C. and Jaworski, A. (Ed.), Elite Discourse:  The rhetorics of status, privilege and power. London, Routledge.


  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D (2017) Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis. In J.  Flowerdew & J.E. Richardson (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Critical  Discourse Studies. London: Routledge.

  • Machin. D. (2017)  Music and sound as discourse and ideology: the case of the national  anthem, in Wodak, R, and  Forchtner, B. The Routledge Handbook of  Language and Politics, London Routledge.

  • Kryzyzanowski, M  and Machin, D. (2017) Critical Approaches, in Cotter, C. and Perrin, D.  (2017) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Media,

  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D (2017) New codifications, new practices: the  multimodal communication of CrossFit. In A. Björkvall, M. Boeris, E.  Djonov & S. Zhao (eds.), Advancing Multimodal and Critical Discourse  Studies. New York: Taylor & Francis.

  • Ledin, P. and  Machin, D (2017) Ett statuskök I en nyliberal tid: köket i  IKEA-kataloger 1975–2016. Text- och samtalsstudier från Södertörns  högskola, 5.  


  • Machin, D. and Van Leeuwen, T. (2016) Sound, music and gender in mobile games, Journal of Language and Gender. 10(3), 412-432

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D (2016) The neoliberal definition of ’elite space’ in IKEA kitchens. Social Semiotics, 27(3), 323-334

  • Machin, D. and Van Leeuwen, T. (2016) Multimodality, Politics and Ideology,  Journal of Language and Politics,  15(3), 243–258

  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D (2016) A discourse-design approach to multimodality:  The visual communication of neoliberal management discourse. Social  Semiotics, 26(1), 1–18.

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D (2016)  The evolution of performance management discourse in corporate strategy  diagrams for public institutions. Discourse, Context & Media, 13(B),  122–131

  • Machin, D. (2016) The need for a social and  affordance-driven multimodal critical discourse studies, Discourse &  Society, 27 (3), 322-334

  • Ledin, P. and Machin, D (2016)  Strategic diagrams and the technologization of culture. Journal of  Language and Politics, 15(3), 321–335.

  • Ledin, P. and  Machin, D (2016) Performance management discourse and the shift to an  administrative logic of operation: A multimodal critical discourse  analytical approach. Text & Talk, 36(4), 445–467.

  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D (2016) Management discourse in university  administrative documents in Sweden: How it recontextualizes and  fragments scholary practices. Pragmatics, 26(4).


  • Ledin,  P. and Machin, D (2015) Universitetet som en multimodal marknadsplats:  Designen av en nyliberal managementdiskurs. Språk och stil, 25, 5–37

  • Ledin,  P and Machin, D. (2015)  How lists, bullet points and tables,  re-contextualize social practice, Critical Discourse Studies, 12/4,  463-481

  • Ledin, P and Machin, D. (2015) A discourse–design  approach to multimodality: the visual communication of neoliberal  management discourse, Social Semiotics,

  • Ledin, P and  Machin, D. (2015) The semiotics of modernist space in the branding of  organizations, International Journal of Marketing Semiotics, 3, 19-38

  • Zhang,  Y. and Machin, D.  (2015) Visual forms of address in social media  discourse: the case of a science communication website, Journal of  Multicultural Discourse, 10/2, 236-252


  • Chen,  A. and Machin, D. (2014) 'The local and the global in the visual design  of a Chinese women’s lifestyle magazine: a multimodal critical  discourse approach', Visual Communication,  13/3, 287-302

  • Griffiths,  F. and Machin, D.  (2014)  Communicating the ideas and attitudes of  spying in film music: A social semiotic approach, Sign Systems Studies  42/1, 72–97


  • Chen,  A. and Machin, D. (2013) Changing genres and language styles in  contemporary Chinese lifestyle magazines, Media International Australia,  Incorporating Culture & Policy, No. 147, 73-84.

  • Hansen,  A., and Machin, D. (2013). 'Researching visual environmental  communication'. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and  Culture, 7/2, 1-18.

  • Machin, D. (2013) 'What is multimodal critical discourse studies?'  Critical Discourse Studies 10/4, 347-355

  • Machin,  D. and Mayr, A. (2013)  'Personalising crime and crime-fighting in  factual television: an analysis of social actors and transitivity in  language and images'. Critical Discourse Studies 10/4, 356-372

  • Bouvier,  G. and Machin, D. (2013) ‘Sound and Discourse in Advertising’, in  Pennock-Speck, B. and Mª Milagros del Saz Rubio (eds.) (2013)  Multimodality and Television Adverts, University of Valencia Press.

  • Machin, D. (2013) ‘Towards a social semiotic approach to the analysis of rhythm in popular music’, Semiotica


  • Jaworski, A. and Machin, D. (2012) 'The Sociolinguistics of Space and Semiotic Landscape', SemiotiX, XN-10

  • Machin,  D. and Richardson, J. E. (2012) Discourses of Unity and Purpose it the  Sounds of Fascist Music: A Multimodal Approach, Critical Discourse  Studies,   1-7

  • Machin, D. and Mayr (2012) Corporate Crime  and the Discursive Deletion of Responsibility: A case study of  Paddington Rail Crash, Crime, Media &Culture

  • Machin,  D. (2012) ‘Towards a social semiotic approach of the analysis of emotion  in sound and music’, Public Journal of Semiotics


  • Abousnnouga,  G. and Machin, D. (2011) ‘Visual discourses of the role of women in war  commemoration: a multimodal analysis of British war monuments’ Journal  of Language and Politics, 10/3

  • Abousnnouga, G. and  Machin, D.  (2011) ‘The changing spaces of war commemoration: a  multimodal analysis of the discourses of British monuments’ Social  Semiotics, 21/2, 175-196


  • Machin, D and Niblock, S. (2010) ‘The New Breed of Business Journalism for Niche Global News’ Journalism Studies 28

  • Abousnnouga, G. and Machin, D (2010) ‘Analysing the Language of War Monuments’, Visual Communication, 9/2

  • Machin,  D. and Van Leeuwen, T. (2010) ‘Global Media and the Regime of  Lifestyle’, in Coupland, N. Handbook of Language and Globalization,  London Blackwell 625-643

  • Abousnnouga, G. and Machin, D.  (2010) ‘War Monuments and the Changing Discourses of Nation and  Soldiery’, in Jaworski, A. and Thurlow, C. Semiotic Landscapes, London,  Continuum, 219-240

  • Machin, D. and Niblock, S. (2010) ‘Branding Newspapers’, in Richardson, J.E. Language and Journalism, London, Routledge, 93-108