研究领域:Discourse studies, multimodality, food and communication
办公室:Room 5141
Göran Bertil Eriksson Chair Professor
研究领域:Discourse studies, multimodality, food and communication 办公室:Room 5141 邮箱:64gnen@gmail.com |
Biography 个人简介
Göran Eriksson is an internationally recognized scholar working in the field of discourse studies, specializing in multimodality and social semiotics. He joined SISU and the Institute of Corpus Studies and Application in September 2024.
His current research is linked to the sociology of health and is concerned with multimodal representations of healthy food and healthy eating in different settings. Ongoing studies look at marketing and is especially interested in how science and scientific expertise is communicated. In another area of interest, he explores different kinds of mobile self-tracking apps, and how such apps form peoples’ notions of health and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
He publishes extensively in international peer-review and SCCI-index journals. His latest book is Food Marketing and Selling Healthy Lifestyles with Science, (co-authored with Lauren A O’Hagan). Since, 2021 he is one of the associate editors of the SCCI-indexed journal Discourse, Context & Society.
Journal Articles (peer review)期刊文章(同行评审)
O’Hagan, A. Lauren and Eriksson, Göran (2024) Blurring the boundaries between medicine and food: The canny marketing of Läkerol in early twentieth-century Sweden. Accepted for publication in Social History of Medicine.
Eriksson, Göran and Kenalemang, Lame M (2023) How cosmetic apps fragmentise and metricise the female face: A multimodal critical discourse analysis. Discourse & Communication, 17(3) 278-297.
Andersson, Helen and Eriksson, Göran (2022) The masculinization of domestic cooking: A historical study of Swedish cookbooks for men. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. DOI:10.1080/18902138.2022.2091918
Chen, Ariel and Eriksson, Göran (2022) Connoting a neoliberal and entrepreneurial discourse of science through infographics and integrated design: The case of ‘functional’ healthy drinks. Critical Discourse Studies 19 (3) 290-308.
Eriksson, Göran (2022) Promoting extreme fitness regimes through the communicative affordances of reality makeover television: A multimodal critical discourse analysis. Critical Studies in Media Communication https://doi.org/10.1080/15295036.2022.2091153
O’Hagan A. Lauren and Eriksson, Göran (2022) Modern Science, Moral Mothers and Mythical Nature: A Multimodal Analysis of Cod Liver Oil Marketing in Sweden, 1920-1930. Food & Foodways 30(4).
Kenalemang-Palm, Lame M and Eriksson, Göran (2021). The scientifization of “green” anti-ageing cosmetics in online marketing: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis. Accepted for publication in Social Semiotics.
Eriksson, Göran and O’Hagan, Lauren (2021) Selling “healthy” radium products with science: A multimodal analysis of marketing in Sweden, 1910-1940. Science Communication 43(6) 740-767.
Breazu, Petre and Eriksson, Göran (2021). Romaphobia in Romanian Press: The Lifting of Work Restrictions for Romanian Migrants in the European Union. Discourse & Communication, issue 15(2) 139-162.
Eriksson, Göran and Machin, David (2020) Editorial: Discourses of ‘Good Food’: the commercialization of Healthy and ethical eating. Discourse, Context & Media 33, Article 100365.
Chen, Ariel and Eriksson, Göran (2019). The making of healthy and moral snacks: A Multimodal Critical Discourse. Discourse, Context & Media 32, Article 1000347.
Chen, Ariel and Eriksson, G. (2019). The mythologization of protein: a Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of snacks packaging. Food, Culture and Society, 22 (4), 423-445.
Kroon, Åsa and Eriksson, Göran (2019). The impact of the Digital Transformation on Sport Talk Online. Journalism Practice, 13 (7), 834-852.
Eriksson, Göran and Fitzgerald, Richard (2019). Web-TV as a backstage activity: Emerging forms of audience address in the post-broadcast era. Text & Talk 39(1): 47-76.
Eriksson, Göran, Camauër, Leonor and Lakew, Yuliya (2017). Ordinary People on Television: A longitudinal study of Swedish Television, 1982–2011. Nordicom Review 38(2): 113-129.
Eriksson, Göran (2016). The ‘Ordinary-ization’ of Televised Cooking Expertise: A Historical Study of Cooking Instruction Programmes on Swedish Television. Discourse,Context and Media 13 (2016) 29-39.
Eriksson, Göran (2016). Ridicule as de-legitimization of the working class in Swedish Reality Television, Journal of Language and Politics 15 (3), 304-321.
Eriksson, G. & Thornborrow, J. (2016). Editorial: Mediated forms of ordinary expertise. Discourse, Context & Media, 13 (Part A), 1-3.
Kroon, Åsa and Eriksson, Göran (2016). Messy interviews: Changing Conditions for Politicians' Visibility on the Web'. Media, Culture and Society 38 (7) 1015–1033.
Eriksson, Göran (2015). Ridicule as a strategy for the recontextualization of the working class: A multimodal analysis of class-making on Swedish reality television. Critical Discourse Studies 12(1): 20-38.
Eriksson, Göran (2014). “See the error of your ways”: Belligerent expertise and the curative power of ‘tough love’. International Journal of Cultural Studies 17(6): 573–589.
Eriksson, Göran and Östman, Johan (2013). Cooperative or adversarial? Journalists’ enactment of the watchdog function in political news production”. International Journal of Press/Politics 18(3): 304–324.
Moberg, Ulla and Eriksson, Göran (2013). Managing ideological differences in joint political press conferences: A study of the strategic use of the personal pronoun ‘we’. Journal of Language and Politics 12(3): 315–334.
Ekström, Mats, Eriksson, Göran, Johansson, Bengt and Wikström, Patrik (2013). Biased Interrogations? A multimethodological approach on bias in election campaign interviews. Journalism Studies 14(3): 423–439.
Ekström, Mats, Eriksson, Göran and Kroon Lundell, Åsa (2013). Live co-produced news: emerging forms of news production and presentation on the web. Media, Culture and Society 35(5): 620–639.
Eriksson, Göran and Eriksson, Mats (2012). Managing Political Crisis: An Interactional Approach to “Image Repair” in Political Press Conferences. Journal of Communication Management 16 (3): 264–279.
Eriksson, Göran (2011). Follow-up questions in political press conferences. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (14): 3331–3344.
Eriksson, Göran (2011). Adversarial Moments: A Study of Short-form Interviews in the news. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism 12(1): 51–69.
Eriksson, Göran (2010). Politicians in celebrity talk show interviews: the narrativization of personal experiences. Text & Talk 30 (5): 529–551.
Kroon Lundell, Åsa and Eriksson Göran (2010). Interviews as Communicative Resource in News and Current Affairs Broadcast. Journalism Studies 11(1): 20–35.
Eriksson, Göran (2009). The Management of Applause and Laughter in Live Political Interviews. Media, Culture & Society 31(6):901–920.
Eriksson, Göran (2006). ‘Rethinking the rethinking: The problem of generality in qualitative media audience research’. Nordicom Review 27(1): 31–44).
Other Journal Articles (Authored in Swedish)其它期刊文章(以瑞典语撰写)
Eriksson, Göran (2006). Politiker i bild: Visualisering av politikers yttranden i nyhetsinslag [Politicians on the screen: The vizualization of politicians’ utterances in the news]. Nordicom-Information 28(4): 55–66.
Eriksson, Göran (1999). Om publikforskningens ”kris”: kritisk realism som publikforskningens tredje väg [On the crisis of audience research: critical realism as a third route for audience research]. Nordicom-Information 1999 (1-2): 39–58.
Ekström, Mats and Eriksson, Göran (1999). Den medialiserade politikens paradoxer [The paradoxes of mediatized politics]. Nordicom-Information 1999 (4): 3–16.
Other Journal Articles其它期刊文章
Eriksson, Göran (2014). Why study media talk?. Semiotix, 12 (1) (Guest Editor)
Special Issues (guest editor) and Editorials特刊(特邀编辑)和社论
Eriksson, G & Machin, D (editors) (2020) Discourses of ‘Good Food’: the commercialization of Healthy and ethical eating. Discourse, Context & Media. (SI to be published January 2020).
Eriksson, Göran and Thornborrow, Joanna (2016). Mediated forms of ‘ordinary’ expertise. Editorial for special issue. In: Discourse, Context and Media 13 (2016)
Tagg, C. , Lee, C. , Vásquez, C. , Eriksson, G. , Anderson, C. & Fitzgerald, R. (2021). Discourse, context & media: Relevance in a changing world. Discourse, Context & Media,
O’Hagan, Lauren A. and Eriksson, Göran (2025) Food Marketing and selling healthy lifestyles with science: Transhistorical perspectives. [Critical Food Studies]. Abingdon: Routledge.
Book Chapters (in English)书中章节(英文)
Eriksson, Göran and O’Hagan, Lauren A. (2025) Introduction. In (eds.) O’Hagan, Lauren A. and Eriksson, Göran, Food Marketing and selling healthy lifestyles with science: Transhistorical perspectives. [Critical Food Studies]. Abingdon: Routledge.
O’Hagan, Lauren A. and Eriksson, Göran (2025) From foods to nutrients: 150 years of modern nutrition science. In (eds.) O’Hagan, Lauren A. and Eriksson, Göran, Food Marketing and selling healthy lifestyles with science: Transhistorical perspectives. [Critical Food Studies]. Abingdon: Routledge.
Ekström, Mats and Eriksson, Göran (2018). Press Conferences. In: Wodak, Ruth and Forchtner, Bernhard (eds), Handbook of Language and Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.
Eriksson, Göran (2018). Critical Discourse Analysis of Reality Television. In: Flowerdew, John and Richardson, John (eds), Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.
Eriksson, Göran and Machin, David (2017). The Role of Music in Ridiculing the Working Classes in Reality Television. In: Way, Lyndon CS and McKerrell, Simon (eds.), Music as Multimodal Discourse, edited by. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Ekström, Mats and Eriksson, Göran (2013). Citizen participation in journalist discourse: Multi-platform political interviews in the Swedish election campaign 2010. In: Tolson, Andrew and Ekström, Mats (eds), Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America. Palgrave McMillan: Hampshire.
Eriksson, Göran (2006). ‘Framing of Politicians Answers and the Mediazation of Politics: A historical comparative study of the discourse practice of framing in news stories’. In: Ekström, Mats, Kroon, Åsa and Nylund Mats (eds), News from Interview Society. Nordicom Göteborg.
Books (in Swedish)书籍(瑞典语)
Eriksson, Göran, Larsson, Larsåke och Moberg, Ulla (2013) Politikernas arena: En studie om presskonferenser på regeringsnivå [The Politicians’ Arena: A study of govermental press converences]. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Eriksson, Göran (2002) Den televiserade politiken – Studier av debatt- och nyhetsjournalistik [Televised politics – Studies of debates and News Journalism]. Örebro Studies in Media and Communication [dissertation].
Ekström, Mats and Eriksson, Göran (1998) Avslöjande journalistik och underhållande dramatik [Investigating Journalism as Entertaining dramas]. Arbetsrapport, Högskolan i Örebro.
Ekström, Mats and Eriksson, Göran (1996) Det iscensatta talet på tv [Scripted interaction on Television]. Högskolan i Örebro.
Book Chapters (in Swedish)书中章节(瑞典语)
Eriksson, Göran (2007) Allt är inte vad det ser ut att vara: Om nyhetsjournalistikens vinklingar och klipp, I: Ekström, M och Kroon, Å (red) Paketerad politik – Elva essäer om journalistik och medier, Carlsson bokförlag, Stockholm.
Eriksson, Göran (2006) ”Det här är lycka”: Om sportjournalistikens inkluderande mekanismer. I: Camuër, L och Nohrstedt, SA (red), Mediernas Vi och Dom, SOU2006: 21.
Eriksson Göran (2005) 'Göbber å kärringar, huk er i bänkera', för nu ladder han ôm!' – Om TV, politiker som kändisar och en förändrad medborgarroll, I: Blom, A (red) I mediernas våld, SOU: JU 2004:7.
Chapters in Textbooks (in Swedish)教科书中的章节(瑞典语)
Eriksson, Göran and Machin, David (2019). Multimodal analys av audiovisuell kommunikation [Multimodal Analysis of Audiovisual Communication]. In: Ekström, M and Johansson, B, Metoder i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap (ss. 255-276). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Eriksson, Göran and Östman, Johan (2010) Receptionsanalys [Reception Analysis] In: Ekström, M and Larsson, L (eds) Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap [Methods in Communication Research] Second and revised edition, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Eriksson, Göran (2000) Receptionsanalys [Reception Analysis] In: Ekström, M and Larsson, L (eds) Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap [Methods in Communication Research], Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Book Reviews书评
Moving Bodies 2004:2, Tema Sport og medier Peter Dahlén, Matti Goksøyr & Lars Tore Ronglan (red) Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole 2004 (Idrottsforum.org 050503)
Sport, medier og journalistikk: Med fotballandslaget til EM Knut Helland Oslo: Fagbokforlaget 2003 (Idrottsforum.org 051005)
National Pastime: How the Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer Stefan Szymanski & Andrew Zimbalist Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 2005 (Idrottsforum.org 060830)
The Economics of Sport and the Media Claude Jeanrenaud & Stefan Késenne (red) Cheltenham, Gloucs: Edward Elgar 2006 (Idrottsforum.org 070314)
Understanding Sports Culture Tony Schirato London: Sage Publications 2007 (Idrottsforum.org 080319)
Sport och medier: En introduktion Peter Dahlén Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget 2008 (Idrottsforum.org 090325)
Sport, Media and Society Eileen Kennedy & Laura Hills Oxford: Berg Publishers 2009 (Idrottsforum.org 100421)
The significance of Interface design and the meaning of health: A study of communication in mobile health and fitness applications
Teaching 教学
Researching the language of media and marketing I accept English speaking MA and PhD candidates either from China or from other countries.