Lame M. Kenalemang-Palm Associate professor

研究领域:Multimodality, Social semiotics, Ageing studies, Gender



  • 个人简介

    Biography 个人简介

    Dr.  Lame M. Kenalemang-Palm holds a PhD in Media and Communication Studies  from Orebro university, Sweden. Her main areas of research interest are  ageing studies and gender. Dr Kenalemang-Palm’s publications have  focused on multimodal critical discourse analysis and the visual  representation of older people, particularly women, in advertising and  marketing contexts.

  • 科学研究

    • Kenalemang,  L. M. (2022). Visual ageism and the subtle sexualisation of older  celebrities in L’Oréal’s advert campaigns: A Multimodal Critical  Discourse Analysis. Ageing and Society, 42(9), 2122-2139.

    • Eriksson,  G., & Kenalemang, L. M. (2023). How cosmetic apps fragmentise and  metricise the female face: A multimodal critical discourse analysis. Discourse & Communication, 17(3), 278-297.

    • Kenalemang-Palm,  L. M., & Eriksson, G. (2021). The scientifization of “green”  anti-ageing cosmetics in online marketing: A multimodal critical  discourse analysis. Social Semiotics, 33(5), 1026–1045.

    • Kenalemang-Palm,  L. M. (2023). The beautification of men within skincare advertisements:  A multimodal critical discourse analysis. Journal of Aging Studies, 66.

    • Kenalemang-Palm,  L. M. (2024). ‘It takes a long time to become young’: A critical  feminist intersectional study of Vogue’s Non-Issue. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 27(2), 253-274.

  • 招生与培养

    Teaching 教学

     Global Communication, Media history, The use of qualitative and  quantitative methods, Film studies (Orebro university); Quantitative  methods (+SPSS), Media and class, gender and the public sphere  (Stockholm university).

    Supervision: BA level (Orebro university, Stockholm university); MA level (Orebro university, Uppsala university)